The data of our NWO Corona Fast-Track Data study is now openly accessible at Zenodo. We conducted a two-wave (non-panel) survey of academic researchers working at Dutch research institutions. Through this survey research we aimed to study scientists’ information gathering and spreading behaviour with regard to the latest scientific information on COVID-19. The first wave survey data were collected between 9 June and 31 August; the second between 26 October and 30 November 2020. We made both the dataset available as well as the measurement instrument (survey questionnaire) and some data documentation such as methodological information about the sampling process and demographic tables of our survey samples.
How to cite
Roex, K. & Colavizza, G. (2020). Doing Science in Times of Covid-19: A Survey. [Data set]. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4313278 .
Questions about the project or data?
You can contact the researchers: Giovanni Colavizza (g.colavizza@uva.nl) or Karlijn Roex (k.l.a.roex@uva.nl).